Bauzäune sind hochfunktional und ein bewährtes modulares System. Jedoch könnte man sie auch als Fremdkörper sehen, die ihren Zweck erfüllen, sich jedoch stets von der restlichen Umgebung abgrenzen. Das Projekt bauzaun+ erweitert das klassische Bauzaun-System um weitere Funktionen, damit aus einem Fremdkörper ein gern gesehener Gast wird. Unterschiedlich transparente Lochbleche verwandeln Teile des sonst so durchsichtigen Bauzauns in anonymere Räume und begrünte Zaunelemente bieten Schutz vor Sonne und Wind. Die ebenso kompatible Sitzbank ist inspiriert von den s.g. Verbindern. Während diese im klassischen Bauzaun-System das eine Zaunelement mit dem nächsten verbinden, wird der Mechanismus hier für die Befestigung der Sitzfläche genutzt. Somit besteht die Bank aus den gleichen Rundstangen, wie die Zäune selber und können flexibel montiert und wieder verstaut werden.
Construction fences are highly functional and a proven modular system. However, one could also see them as foreign bodies that serve their purpose, but always separate themselves from the rest of the environment. The project bauzaun+ expands the conventional construction fence system with additional functions so that a foreign body becomes a welcome guest. Perforated sheets of different transparency transform parts of the otherwise transparent site fence into more anonymous rooms and green fence elements offer protection from sun and wind. The equally compatible bench is inspired by the Connectors. While these connect one fence element to the next in the classic construction fence system to prevent unauthorized entry, the mechanism is now used to fix the seat. Thus, the bench consists of the same round bars as the fences themselves and can be easily assembled and stowed away.
Construction fences are highly functional and a proven modular system. However, one could also see them as foreign bodies that serve their purpose, but always separate themselves from the rest of the environment. The project bauzaun+ expands the conventional construction fence system with additional functions so that a foreign body becomes a welcome guest. Perforated sheets of different transparency transform parts of the otherwise transparent site fence into more anonymous rooms and green fence elements offer protection from sun and wind. The equally compatible bench is inspired by the Connectors. While these connect one fence element to the next in the classic construction fence system to prevent unauthorized entry, the mechanism is now used to fix the seat. Thus, the bench consists of the same round bars as the fences themselves and can be easily assembled and stowed away.

Inspiriert durch Loch- und Strukturbleche, fotografiert in Essen und Dortmund.
Inspired by perforated sheets, photographed in Essen and Dortmund
Inspired by perforated sheets, photographed in Essen and Dortmund